
I've created this page to enable my friends and family to keep track of my training and competitions. Most of my posts will be related to training, traveling, and competing but I'll put in other interesting things as they occur. Look for new posts, pictures, and video at least once a week!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Victoria, BC: Part 1

In order to get to the Canadian meets, I offered to share the cost of a rental car with some vaulter friends of mine. I didn't make the reservations so I didn't really know what to expect for a ride but Melinda ended up renting an early 90s era (est.) Pontiac Montana 6 passenger mini-van. It was a rolling junk heap (check engine light on, fuel guage that didn't work, very weak headlights, an even weaker roof-rack, stained and stinky interior, etc.) but to it's credit, it got us all the way through the trip with almost no major issues and it was awful cheap.
Good job, Melinda! The trip to Vancouver was quick but a little nerve-wracking as every bump and pothole made the pole bags strapped to the roof bounce as if they were about to tear away, taking the roof with them. The trip to Victoria, however, was easier due to one less set of poles and the fact that half of our trip was spent parked on a ferry. The ferry trip from Vancouver to Victoria was amazing! We saw seals and killer whales on our trip across the Strait of Georgia! The meet was held on the University of Victoria's campus. I thought we had a lot of rabbits living at the training center in Chula Vista! There were thousands and thousands of bunnies of all sizes and colors! It was utterly ridiculous. I'll post more pictures soon.

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